Contracting Options
I can work with clients via direct contracting or the Upwork freelancing platform.
Direct Contracts
If our initial connection was made outside the Upwork freelancing platform, I can contract with you or your company directly as a self-employed independent contractor (referred to as a 1099 contractor). To enable direct contracting, I can provide a completed Form W9, we agree on scope and contract terms, work begins, and payments are provided directly to me. For total cumulative payments over $600 in a given tax year, you complete a Form 1099-NEC and provide that form to both the IRS and to me as the individual receiving payment. Note: If our initial connection was made through the Upwork freelancing platform, we must use the Upwork Contracts option.
Upwork Contracts
If our initial meeting and connecting was made on the Upwork platform, the Upwork User Agreement requires payments to be made and received only through Upwork for two years from the date you first identify or meet your Freelancer on the Site. Form W9 and Form 1099 requirements still stand, but are managed by Upwork. As the client, you place the budgeted funds in escrow with Upwork, and Upwork releases incremental payments to me upon your approval. Any unused funds are returned to you from Upwork with no fee or penalty. Upwork charges a 3.5% fee on payments made to me. If you wish for me to propose on your job posting, you may invite me to propose on your job. Click here for instructions for how to invite me to respond to and bid on your job posting on Upwork.
Hybrid Option - Upwork Direct Contracts
If our initial connection was made outside the Upwork freelancing platform, another option exists in which we can use Upwork as the intermediary to manage payments between you (as the client) and myself (as the freelancer). With Upwork Direct Contracts, you place the funds you intend to pay me in escrow with Upwork. Upon providing approval to Upwork, Upwork releases the approved funds to me. Upwork Direct Contracts does not require that you register for the Upwork platform and provides the benefits of escrow services, simple contract management, faster payments, and dispute assistance should a problem arise.