Business Case Development and ROI
Client: Dublin Airport Authority
Services Provided
Business process analysis
Technology needs assessment
Solution alternatives analysis
Cost-benefit analysis
Business case development
Stakeholder facilitation
Senior executive-level presentation
The Challenge
Dublin Airport Authority (daa) used multiple stovepiped systems and databases to maintain its assets and manage operations. The daa had no ability to integrate these data into a common view for understanding and to inform low-risk and high-value decision making.
Solution and Outcome
The daa considered geographic information systems (GIS) and location intelligence as a potential solution to provide a common view of its airport data and assets, via a common map. However, a formal business case was needed to achieve executive support and budget approval. The daa sought the services of an external consultant to prepare the business case and ROI. Mr. Feinberg acted as the primary investigator and author of the daa GIS Business Needs Assessment.
As a result, the daa had the ROI justifying an investment in GIS technology, including an understanding of requirements, opportunities, costs, implementation schedule, benefits, and associated risks.
Project Activities and Deliverables
Facilitated workshops with over 50 daa stakeholders to identify business objectives, needs, gaps, risks, and opportunities.
Analyzed as-is practices for operational and facilities management, gaps in current capabilities, requirements for effective decision-making to address the gaps and to satisfy defined organizational goals.
Identified three solution alternatives meeting identified requirements.
Documented quantitative (financial) and qualitative costs and benefits for ROI analysis. Included implementation (CAPEX) and ongoing operations and maintenance (OPEX) costs. Financial benefits considered new revenue opportunities, cost savings through operational efficiencies, and cost avoidance due to reduced risk.
Recommended a 5-year implementation approach, schedule and identified key dependencies.
Presented the Plan and ROI Analysis to daa's senior governance board for approval and as a key gateway decision point for making major capital investments.